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Descent from the Ivory Tower
Dec 31, 2007

Refugee in a tower of agony

Hungry for ceaseless beauty

In love with eternity

Refugee in a tower of agony

In an early, rainy morning

When the birds started singing

He woke into a vision crying

In an early, rainy morning

Stepping down the hill slowly

Pondering over his troubles calmly

He was seeking for a canopy

Stepping down the hill slowly

As the uncertain end nears

Rocks, trees, leaves, rivers…

None but One hears his fears

As the uncertain end nears

In need of a fundamental change

Past life and fears scream with rage

Ivory tower is no different than a cage

In need of a fundamental change

Not knowing the final destination

In the turbulent life-story ocean

Re-discovering a one-to-one relation

Descent from ivory tower becomes Ascension